This Sweat Equity Retirement Suite project was added above an existing garage.  Talk about TECHNICAL AND DIFFICULT!
This project was all of that and more! The first the course of business was to take off the complete roof and build a stable floor system above the
existing ceiling beams, electrical and plumbing which added two feet to the overall height before framing the walls.
The exterior walls of the existing garage were made with a foam block with a concrete skin.  Of course this type of unconventional
building process just can’t be relied on to use as structural support for the new space.  We used new LVL structural beams for the
floor, walls and roof loads in order support the new structure.  We love to do technical and difficult; and we are really good at it.

A “Sweat Equity” project is where HCBR Texas completes all the heavy lifting. To finish up the
interior living space, the owner would provide his own work and sweat, thereby saving a lot of $$$.

The “Sweat Equity” program works well with all the projects we offer.
* Custom Homes * Steel Buildings * Casitas/Stand-alone grandma home * Additions *
* Workshops * Detached Garages * And More *

See more Suite Equity Information HERE!

From the Start

To Good Progress

To Left Side Finished

From Here

To There

To Finished

From Here

To There

To Finished

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Project Videos

Progress Video

Completion Video

Trust Hill Country Building & Renovation

Hill Country Building & Renovation Texas, Inc. is a lot more than a guy with a truck, a dog and a good story.  In Texas,
that’s about all you need to call yourself a contractor. The only exception is within an incorporated city or town that
would require a permit. In addition to the three requirements above, any so called contractor would need to
fill out an application and write a check. The point is, there are a lot of unqualified wanna be contractors
looking for work and gullible customers.

We are a professional construction company with over 40 years experience and know how.
We don’t need YouTube videos to figure it out. Let us know what your awesome project is
and put us to the test. All of our projects are clearly described in writing with a written guarantee.

For a real construction company experience, send us a text or give us a call at 512-667-0728 today!
You can also fill out a “Contact Us” request form HERE

What's Your next Awesome Project? Yeah, We can Help with That!

Give Us A Call/Text Today at 512-667-0728