Our team feels it’s important to have and promote our Company Core Values. These values are our core principles that we not only operate our business practices on but our personal lives as well. In building our highly motivated team of employees and subcontractors we promote our core values and look for those who share the same values we hold in high esteem. We believe this is the first step in having our team on board to provide superior quality and service. Choose HCBR Texas to be your builder for custom homes today!
It is Easier to Teach Skills & Procedure than it is to Foster Core Values
We believe there is a God who has given us the opportunity of life on this earth, to prove ourselves and some day have the opportunity to return to him. Also, we believe that all have the right to believe in what and who they may according to the dictates of their own conscience as long as those beliefs and practices do not encroach upon the the rights of others to do the same.
At HCBR Texas, we believe that Family is a sacred trust that God has given man kind to bring children into this world. To nurture and teach truth and values that would uphold society and the proper treatment of others around them. Also, we believe it is the responsibility of fathers to sustain and support the physical needs of his family, as well as mothers when circumstances require. We feel the burden of a secondary responsibility to help those we employ to fulfill this ongoing burden, and continually seek ways in which we can do so.
We boldly assert that this country was established by Almighty God and that he inspired those in the discovery of this land and the establishment of the constitution thereof; for the freedom of religion and from tyranny of an oppressive government. Also, we believe that this country was established as a beacon of freedom to the rest of the world and that we as a nation have the responsibility to help the downtrodden and spread freedom to all men, women and children throughout the world. Our company supports our national leaders in sustaining and supporting the constitution and the law, and although not perfect, we hold them to a higher standard as they bear the burden of the public trust. We firmly believe that if they violate this sacred trust, they must be held accountable for their actions.
Honesty & Integrity:
It seems in many cases, Honesty and Integrity is put aside in the pursuit of power and profit. We believe that it is vitally important to make it clear “What We Do and How We Do It”. To follow through and do what we say we will do, and not make promises that can’t be kept. In over the 40+ years of experience in the construction industry, we have found this industry to be a very unprofessional. With many ways to take advantage of the unwary both on the contractor and consumer end of the equation. We strive to be the most professional builder for custom homes in a (sometimes) unprofessional environment.
Self Worth & Identity:
Happy is the person who has a healthy sense if their own self worth. Self worth to family, friends, employer, society and their God. We believe all are endowed with differing natural talents, and yet others that may require a little more improvement. To identify these talents and weaknesses is to discover our own identity and the things we are self motivated to do without compulsion. As a company, we seek to place people in areas they excel in while at the same time give opportunities for growth in other areas that might need a little help.
Old School Craftsmanship:
After a life time of observing and working in the construction industry, we have seen a revolution of high tech tools and products that have changed the procedures and processes of the construction craft. Many new tooling innovations has made the mediocre worker more acceptable in producing an industry standard product. In the wake of sub-division cookie cutter homes where quality is sacrificed for profit, the days of the true craftsman seem to be a thing if the past, and the artistic craftsman seems to be a dying breed. We honor the “Art of the Craftsman” with his “old school” ways. As the Texas Hill Country’s preferred builder for custom homes, we believe that combining this old school craftsman with new technology can produce a much higher standard of excellence than what industry standard would offer.
It is said that Pride goeth before the fall, but one can have appropriate pride without being prideful. We can have pride in our children and the accomplishments they have. However, when we believe they are better than others, we begin to be prideful. Our team takes pride in the projects we take on and the accomplishments of those who work for us. While at the same time we see other high quality contractors who excel in our industry and are grateful to be associated with fellow professionals in our marketplace. We feel it is healthy to promote excellence even if it fosters our own competition. We do feel a certain amount of humility and pride for a job well done all at the same time when our clients are grateful for the work we do and the manor in which we do it.
Without Vision many people fail. Our vision is far into the future:
First, we want to be the construction company that everyone wants to work for. A place they can call home to perfect their craft with the confidence that he or she will not be taken advantage of, and be respected for their contribution. A place and environment where loyalty can be given and received.
Second, where our reputation proceeds the work to be done. Where all in our organization understands and fosters excellence in all they do without compulsory means. They give their best effort with the knowledge that this best effort is returned in kind.
And thirdly, we want our customers to be part of the family. Where the building of their home is a fun and exciting experience without misunderstanding and contention. Where there is a healthy balance of organization and production to exceed the expectations. Each project takes on it’s own life. It demands it’s own unique personality based on the taste and design of the future occupants. Then, we listen very carefully to both home and occupant to be sure the whispering’s of both are heard and implemented. (In fact, we’ve been accused of mind reading from time to time. However, there is no additional charge for this!)
As a human creature we are motivated by different things. One might be more motivated by the compensation of accomplishing a task or assignment more than the task it’s self. While another might be motivated primarily by a job well done and appreciated above the reward of compensation. Once we begin a project, we keep track of the dollars but our main focus is delivering a high quality project. We respect their trust in us as well as the funds they put into our care. So, choose HCBR Texas as your preferred builder for custom homes.