From Here

To There

To Completed

This Steel Shop/Patio/Outdoor living space project in Buda Texas is one of the nicest steel buildings we have ever built!
This is due to a team attitude between HCBR and the owners.  They had suggestions, we had options and together we worked it out.
There were many logistic elements that took a lot of pre-planning and sequential coordination to make it all come together.
For example, there was an existing well that serviced the house and other areas on the property. In addition the water softener and filtration
equipment was housed in an old Tough Shed that was rotting away in the back yard. We positioned the building to place the well head
in a corner between the main structure and the carport.  To provide continual service from the well and filtration, it required trenching and
piping logistics to move equipment from the Tough Shed to the common wall with the well all in one day without leaving our
customer stranded without water overnight.  To make matters even more complicated, the power had to be transferred from a
200 amp service to a 320 service by PEC shutting off the power in the morning and then back on in the afternoon.
This allowed us time to split the power between the house and and the new shop without any glitches.
Between the electrician, plumber and PEC, everyone involved
played nice in the sandbox and got it all back together
and operational before the family got home.

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Project Videos

Progress Video

Completion Video

Trust Hill Country Building & Renovation

Hill Country Building & Renovation Texas, Inc. is a lot more than a guy with a truck, a dog and a good story.  In Texas,
that’s about all you need to call yourself a contractor. The only exception is within an incorporated city or town that
would require a permit. In addition to the three requirements above, all any so called contractor would need to
fill out an application and write a check. The point is, there are a lot of unqualified wanna be contractors
looking for work and gullible customers.

We are a professional construction company with over 40 years experience and know how.
We don’t need YouTube videos to figure it out. Let us know what your awesome project is
and put us to the test. All of our projects are clearly described in writing with a written guarantee.

For a real construction company experience, send us a text or give us a call at 512-667-0728 today!
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