That Looks Like a Good Spot, Let’s Put it There


Yes, that was a good spot indeed


Trenching for the Water Line with the Rock Saw

Getting the Forms up and the Road Base for Bagging the Grade Beams

This is how the Bagging Works to Create Channels for the Grade Beams

Next the Vapor Barrier, then the Steel Rebar for Reinforcing the Concrete


Anchor Bolts for the Steel Structure.

Got to be Sure they are in the Right Place


Now the Fun Begins, Playing in the Mud.

​Do I Pay these Guys to have So Much Fun???


That’s the Only Way to Fly.
​Back in the day it was

Knee Boards and a Trowel

Up Goes the Steel

Steel Siding in the Rain.  Not a Lot of Fun There

Before You Know it, It’s all Done

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